Engagement Rings – Then and Now

The forever treasured engagement ring has been spotted throughout history for centuries and still remains the ultimate reflection of love between two people…
Today, engagement rings are more than just a symbol of love; they are in fact a reflection of an upcoming legal agreement between two individuals that have chosen to spend their lives together. Did you know that the most popular time for engagements is over Christmas and New Year’s? If you are planning on proposing to someone special over the holidays then make it extra special with a hand engraved ring. Here at John W. Thompson and Son in Sydney we pride ourselves on creating unique, traditional, one of-a-kind engagement rings to make your proposal even more special!
Ancient history…
The history of the engagement ring is evident even as far back as the caveman years. There is evidence of the caveman tying cords made of braided grass around their chosen mate’s wrists, ankles, and waists to bring the woman’s spirit under the man’s control. While the purpose of the modern engagement ring has changed somewhat today, the idea of sharing your relationship publically is still cherished by all today.
Evidence of the ancient Egyptians adopting the engagement ring is also celebrated throughout history. Egyptians have been found buried wearing rings made of a single silver or gold wire on the third finger of their left hands, which was believed to be connected directly to the heart by the ‘vena amoris’ or the vain of love.
A diamond is forever…
Diamond engagement rings became popular during the 1930s and remain the most sought after engagement ring today. Here at John W. Thompson and Son we can hand engrave your diamond engagement ring with a special and unique message, symbol, design or pattern to make your proposal that extra bit special.
The unique history of hand engraving…
Hand engravings have been present throughout history and over time have formulated into a distinguished art form that we practice here at John W. Thompson and Son. A hand engraver relies on touch, vision and controlled pressure to precisely cut letters or patterns into hard surfaces. With the use of specialised instruments; the process is very specialised and unique to the engraver. Today the art of hand engraving has been somewhat lost with modern technology taking over. However, by choosing a hand engraved ring you are giving a gift that is not only one of a kind but, a gift that has been carefully marked with delicacy and grace. Here at John W. Thompson and Son we follow traditional engraving methods to ensure our rings are unique to the wearer.
What would I get engraved into my ring?
When we engrave a ring at John W. Thompson and Son we are helping to create a unique and treasured message or design for your loved one. Choosing the best message can often be difficult, but after years of experience we have had our fair share of messages and for those who are struggling to come up with the perfect message we can help. Often you may already know exactly what you want on your ring and that’s great too, we are happy to work with you to develop a unique design and font for your special message. Some popular messages shared on engagements rings include:
- Your names and wedding date
- A phrase from a special poem or song
- A religious writing
- A phrase from your wedding vows
- Special nicknames
- Symbols
- Poetry or Literature
The ultimate expression of love…
While the engagement rings have changed and will continue to change in style throughout the centuries their purpose of publically sharing your love for someone else will remain the same. By taking a step in your relationship, with hopes of legally committing yourself to someone else, engagement rings can be serious business. To help make your proposal extra special consider a specially engraved message that your partner will carry around with themselves forever.